What Indya needs to do !?
Short answer: Many things :) What i wanted to focus on this blog is few of the key things that will make a big difference to Indya. 1. SSN (Social Security Number) for everyone - Well, if you have been US or any of the european countries, you would have known the importance of such unique number for all the citizens. for the unstarted, this is a killer number, you just need make it mandatory at the transactions we need to monitor. In India, we have a multitude of such numbers - PAN for tax, voter id for voting. Thankfully, only 2 of these are the big ones. Infact, we started voter id for a while and this had a fair success. I think we stopped because the so-called bahoo wali politicians were getting screwed. And it wont happen overnight or without the political will to do it. So, as citizen (the regular mundane lot), we need to create a difference by creating enough momentum to this thought. Once, we have SSN, just like PAN number has made a big difference to the tax collection, it wi...